Friday, October 7, 2011

quick post!

So i should really be cleaning and packing... but i feel the need to make a quick post... ahhhh! i'm so excited!

anyway.... here's some more shtuff :)

Above:  wood sculpture.  So... here's a picture of that process i had to go through for that body extension project.  i used almost every c-clamp and spring clamp i could get my hands on... and then i had to wait till the glue dried enough, so that when i put the next layer on, the pieces won't shift.  fuuuuun.....

above:  morning of critique and i was not done.....

above:  plaster and wood sculpture.  
So this was our final project of the class. and my final sculpture of my college career.  even though it was my idea to create a piece resembling both an egg and a woman's pregnant belly.  i didn't think it was that great of a concept/piece.   well, i was wrong.  the lady in the green (who is standing on the steps) is a coordinator of the art program.  she came out and had the highest compliment i have ever had from a teacher.  
my piece was the last to be critiqued and before we even started, she voiced her opinion.  she absolutely adored this one and started to describe how she felt about it.  
before she found out that it was me who created it, she said this person should definitely consider sculpture as their focus, this person has a real talent for sculpture.  well too bad i wasn't an art major.  haha! 
still, to this day, that was one of the best compliments i have ever gotten in my life.  i was absolutely saddened when i couldn't take this piece home, for it weighed more than 2 of me.  so i ended up trashing it.  all that hard work and all those all-nighters i had to do, into the dumpster.     

yup... that's me.  doesn't that tell you, how heavy that thing would have been if it was able to support me....???

anyway.... i won't be posting any blogs till i come back... so ta ta for now! :)

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