oh the things i can find on the internet. so, since i have had my thursdays and fridays all to myself, i've been looking up a lot of craft ideas. i Stumbleupon'ed a couple great ideas. - just so everyone knows, Stumbleupon is an internet application where you choose your interests (which there are a wide variety) and with just a click of a button, it randomly takes you to a site, based on those interests. so i've come to some great craft websites and blogs. it's wonderful. my next goal within the next year, is to learn to hand sew, since i don't have a sewing machine. - anyway, that's the gist of it. so, i will forewarn everybody (mainly the family and close friends) that the following pictures will be what i'll be working on for your guys' christmas gifts. you're probably not going to be surprised the day you open them anyway (even if i didn't tell you).
anyhoo, the first project was coasters. it only requires a few simple materials: mod podge, ceramic tiles, cardstock (or whatever paper products you desire like magazine cutouts, wrapping paper, plain colored paper, etc), and felt or cork for the bottom. here was the result of my first set:
this set will be a gift for eric's mom. her birthday is today and i wasn't quite sure what to get her or even make her. i have another set in the process of being made. i might have to switch them out. not quite sure if the above prints are her style. i don't know, i'm sure i'll figure it out.
The next project was scarves. i Stumbleupon'ed a site where they transform old t-shirts into something. i came across a Stranded Scarf and thought it was beautiful! so i tried it out. here was the outcome:

this shirt belonged to eric from his first year of college. he hardly wore it anymore and i wore it for around the house. this was my only "old" tshirt that we had since i had donated all of mine to make room when i moved down here. i was very glad of the outcome but i made note to fix a few things. i might have used too many strands. i could have easily, and probably should have, turned this into 2 scarves. either way i enjoyed wearing it. however, i had to throw this scarf out, because the day i wore it, i went back home to visit mom and some friends. and i accidently set the scarf on top of one of the gladeplug in air fresheners, except, we didn't have this one plugged in. it was sitting on top of the shoe shelf and i didn't see it. sooooooo it STRONGLY smelled of that. i put in eric's softball bag, hoping 1) it will freshen his bag up and 2) it would take away the smell from the scarf. but nope, it stayed just as strong as before. so, i put it through the washer and dryer. it took SOME of it away, but nope, still smelled strongly. then i left it in the sun, outside, for a couple weeks. nope that didn't work either. so i gave up and just threw it out. i had asked eric to buy me a lot of t-shirts from his work (he can get tshirts for as cheap as $1, since they were considered "defective," but not defective enough that someone couldn't wear it.) so, this too will be a great gift idea. :)
anyways, that's all for now. i have other projects lined up so i will have to share with you guys as soon as i get to them.
ps- it's football season... so i have to say... GO BUCKEYES! :) urban nation has begun and has so far done well! :)